Posts in Resume Tips
The Market Is Crazy    

To say the market is upside down right now is not an understatement. If you are an M&A or general corporate attorney at a big firm, you’ve likely fielded your ninth recruiter call of the day before you finish your second cup of coffee (and there will be plenty of coffee in your future). The Independence Day holiday is a great time to get your resume polished and ready to go!

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Addressing Pandemic Layoffs on Your Legal Resume 

One of the questions we are regularly asked is how to deal with layoffs on a resume, and how to deal with pandemic layoffs in particular. While the panic at law firms and corporate in-house legal departments during the pandemic made sense at the time, the market has stabilized and now many attorneys who lost their jobs in 2020 are starting to re-enter the legal job market.

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The Risk of Modifiers  

Legal resumes aren’t long documents, so you have to use adjectives and other modifiers to signal to the reader the depth of your experience. You can’t list all of your litigation experience on the document (that would be a curriculum vitae). Instead, you summarize, qualify and categorize your experience so the reader can digest it. We discuss the importance of choosing the right descriptive words in your legal resume.

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The One Thing

We are asked time and time again about what the key to an effective legal resume is. The answer is always the same. It’s that your resume (and certainly your cover letter) should answer the question: WHY YOU?

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Resume TipsCraig Sandok